Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just dance in ghost town you soon to be fossil

Full of gaga

I hate it when people play music in public places via their phones. In addition to the crappy stereos, the music is often something that does not fit in to my category of good music. But there's one thing worse than playing music from your cellphone: Playing music on repeat on your cellphone.

Yesterday we were taking the bus from Mendoza to the ghostly town of San Juan. Next to us on the bus sat a 30 something mama's boy, who had an obvious obsession over Lady Gaga. I respect Lady Gaga for writing her own songs, but not as much to enjoy her lyrics over and over and over again. The guy kept playing Just Dance on his cellphone speaker and also had a very loud conversation with his mother via the same hellish invention.

While he played the song for the fifth time in a row, I was manicly looking for some headphones I got on the plane to give him. Unfortunately I had stuffed them in my backpack that lie out of reach in the luggage compartment, so when the song started playing again I was close to ripping his head of, ramming the phone into his brain and duct taping his head back in its place again. That way he would know the pain of Gaga I was going through.

Needles to say my day hadn't been too good before the busride either.

Out of town

San Juan turned out to be a bit of a bore. It's off season, so we're the only residents in our quiet hostel. Also everything here smells strange. Like kerosene and sewer. We weren't supposed to stop here, we were on our way to San Augustin de valle fertil, but the last bus of the day was full booked and we were forced to spend the night here. The room wasn't too pricy, but the bed kept me awake all night with springs pushing painfully against my skin and bones. By the time the pain had turned into a numb beat the sun was up it was too hot to sleep.

But today we continue to the valley. It only has 4000 inhabitants and that's a good thing since all this riding the bus has been way to stressful and in a place with no people, there's a good chance nobody will be playing Lady Gaga on their cellphone right next to me. But if that were to happen, some new strange dinosaur fossils might appear in Ichigualasto National Park.

Short stories

I'm a lazy person and to be honest this blog busines is a pain in the ass. Literally. Because my ass is broken. So here are some short stories from here and there that I don't feel like writing down into some ''interesting and bewildering reading experience''.

I said I'd write about El Bolson and all that it some point, but I really don't feel like it, so lets just say it was a cool and picturesque place but in a serious need of some Cartman hippie control because of all the ''natural contsruction'' and ''living in peace with the earth'' wanna be intellectual folk. Sure they had some good ideas, but I'm not interested in having a lecture on them, I mean, I went to Kallio.

Oh and we got a ride in a police car in Mendoza. The cop was speeding like hell, honking at families running across the street on a road that had a limit of 40km/h. Also the guy offered us a chance to lie in our police report in order to make the process quicker, but we didn't since we wanted Break Point hostel to get what it deserves.
The manager of Break Point should learn a lesson about how to run a hostel. Sunbathing is not good managing. Helping, or at least caring for, people who got their money stolen from your hostel would be, but i don't think anyone told her that. I mean, she could have at least called the locksmith, who was ''fixing the lock'' of a broken locker in our room during the time the money dissappeared, and even if not blaming him then at least asking him if he had seen anyone else ''fixing a lock'' during that time. But no. She didn't even lift a finger when it happened again the next night to another guy.

But at least we didn't have to do a trek with an about-to-burst gangrenous appendix.

Now my ass hurts, so bye.

Oh, and if you want to go oohmar and aah looking at strange and distorted images of our trip, check out Niklas' way more finnish blog including better grammar:

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