Tuesday, June 2, 2009

FB Purity blocked: this app msgs [Show]

I took the liberty to use a gray day for something else but doing nothing. Concerned about the uncertain fun-factor of my summer, I'm trying to spend each day actually doing something worth remembering, this way, even if I didn't have fun, I would still have done something so as not to sit on the computer all day. A question rises: How is blogging not sitting on the computer? Well, simply because it only takes a few moments and involves at least a bit of brain activity. So, compared to updating your facebook page, its quite a thrill.

Facebook, facebook, facebook, now there's something for the individual to hate and love simultaneously. Constant pop-ups about tests people have been taking, nobody really cares about other peoples answers, they only care about their own and hope that others would care enough to post a funny comment about how you are a wild-drunk or most suited to marry Jennifer Lopez. That's why they send them to everyone, and in hopes of seeing their results after the compulsory 15 invites.

While waiting for a facebook trash-filter, I have also realized that facebook is the worst invention for people who want to have their own privacy. You can't get rid of anyone, except by blocking or ignoring their friend requests. Ignoring is something I have become quite fond of, I enjoy having the power to ignore someone I really haven't talked to more than once. I don't care If they went to the same school or have 30 mutual friends with me, If I don't recognize you or haven't said one word to you, then please, save yourself and don't try to befriend me. Sometimes I wonder if those people just click Add as friend on every single person facebook tries to offer them on the people you may know -tool, emphasize on the word may. However, I think a better name for that tool would be: People you may know, but who may not know you since they still haven't asked you to be their friend.

Facebook is sure to be one of the highest forms of self-promoting. Think about it, people clicking away, reporting about their thoughts, doings of the day, mistakes and embarrassments and down right stupid actions. Adding pictures about these events, pictures about their trips and friends and their own faces x10 + 2 per day. After that they tag each other and laugh about funny faces for days and nights, throwing a few comments here and there, letting everyone know how good friends they are, or even changing their status between: In a relationship and single every two weeks.

I'm not saying I hate all things related to facebook. I admit, I have done most of the previously mentioned stuff and enjoyed it, but I didn't say I enjoy others doing it. Selfish as I am, I like to promote myself every now and then, but hearing about people I don't like annoys me. So today I decided to delete some of the people I have as my friends, people I really don't care hearing about. Now I can safely say my facebook is way more interesting, with less annoying people. Soon I might start a new policy, deleting everyone who does tests, not that it any longer bothers me, thanks to the funny monkey-icon program Niklas set on my computer, it filters all that crap away.

Now, to finish this post I might just do a bit of self-promotion myself: For those who don't know (being no-one since only my parents read this blog) dad is back, has been for a few weeks a
ctually (And not only is he back in Finland, but you can also find him on facebook!). It has made life way more easy (him being back, not the fact that he is on facebook) and once again I have started to avoid all responsibilities. In addition, it's summer, so everything should be great, except that its not: I don't have a job, so I don't have money and as a result, I don't have many options of what to do. Luckily I have Niklas and his graduation gift money. Niklas betalar - like the swedes say. Did I mention that I am currently sitting in his room, only a few meters away from where he hides all that money and there's nobody here besides me? Well, now you know... ...have fun at work, see you next year!

Now I shall go on facebook and update my status about posting a new blog.